FROZENYO & Zombie Coffee i San Juan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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VenezuelaFROZENYO & Zombie Coffee



🕗 åbningstider

357, Calle de Tetuan, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-710-7735
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Latitude: 18.4650866, Longitude: -66.1125429

kommentar 5

  • Dave Santa

    Dave Santa


    The coffee and yogurts are the best.

  • Rachel Williams

    Rachel Williams


    Just went here for coffee, asked for an iced vanilla latte and they put two shots of espresso in and filled the rest with vanilla creamer. Obviously it was just like drinking creamer straight from the bottle. We couldn't take more than a sip.

  • Beverly Horvath

    Beverly Horvath


    Awesome place! Serves fro yo, shakes, coffee, and alcohol!!! They will also combine any of the above and it was truly delicious. I wish they had a store near me

  • Aslan Lee

    Aslan Lee


    BEST FROYO IVE TASTED IN ALL OF AMERICA. Banana and strawberry. Ahhh.

  • Astrid Macias

    Astrid Macias


    I had the cookies and cream, chocolate hazelnut, and coconut froyo. They were all tasty! Nice spot to hang out for a bit. Plenty of seating both outdoors and indoors. Also an area with couches and tables towards the back with jenga, uno, and some books.

nærmeste Cafe

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