Waffler Avenue (Condado Beach) i San Juan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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VenezuelaWaffler Avenue (Condado Beach)



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1054, Avenida Doctor Ashford, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-705-9365
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Latitude: 18.4575946, Longitude: -66.0748877

kommentar 5

  • Zuleyka Lopez

    Zuleyka Lopez


    Comenzado por la presentación 0 malísimo Servicio. 3 veces se devolvió la comida por errores y demasiado caro para la poca calidad de la comida y no pidan cetas.

  • Natte Scott

    Natte Scott


    Small waffles high price. Coffee is good and fair price. Very basic breakfast but not too bad. Sitting outside which is nice in the morning.

  • en

    JD Caraballo


    Great Service! The Waffles were Delicious! And you have a good ocean view area.

  • Raymond Tsang

    Raymond Tsang


    I see all the negative waiter reviews, not my experience. I had two bilingual young ladies working there at the time, lovely! Waffles are great! Comparable to Waffles and Dinges, ps try the stuffed waffles !!

  • en

    Joe Fizikela


    Morning shift guy is kind a rude, with a bad attitude. Breakfast for two with coffee is $25-26 . Nice ocean view! There is this other guy in afternoon, he was super nice and polite. We ask him a couple questions about places around. He was real helpful.

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